
Surfing Chapter Fourteen: Smashing up the boat / サーフィン第14章: ボートを破壊する

Not even a bite…

We took our little boat "S.S. Snubby" out once more along the shores of Northern New South Wales. It was a hot day as we putted parallel to the beach, trailing lures.

There were plenty of Red Lobsters on the beach, tanning themselves in coconut oil and sipping cola. Not a bite. Not even a nibble. We reeled the lines back in and after beaching the boat we hoisted it back up, upside-down, into its wind breaking position at the very front of the roof rack. ALL SET. It was time to move on to the next town.

Vegemite was driving and we were almost out of fuel, he was also busting for a leak but the piss bottle had been thrown out with the last garbage. We checked the map "Just another ten kilometers to the next servo (service station)" said Spit Ball "Will probably piss himself before then!" chimed in Bazza.

Right after Snubby hit the station roof.

Vegemite floored it. The station was within sight, the "BP" sign clearly visible among the trees. But as we pulled in, Vegemite in his haste, miss-judged the lower height of the canopy roof. The front end of Snubby was the first to connect with it and it crumpled the boat like matchwood, striking the corner of the roof with a tearing CRUNCH!

Onlookers were staring. The station roof was also damaged. The owner came out. "Not the first time." he said. "Insurance should cover it" We had gotten off lightly...

Buddhists talk about life as “The Boat of Compassion in the Sea of Illusion.” We had broken our boat but somehow it seemed OK. We were done with it. It had served its purpose and satisfied our need for some extra variety in our activities.

By now most of you coming to read this blog will have noted that the second half of each post is all about my own personal life philosophy as it relates to surfing. I call this philosophy MIND SURFING, and its basis mainly rests on Buddhist principles.

If you are wondering just how I came up with this three way combination, its really quite simple. In my minds eye I simply replaced “The boat of Compassion” with a surfboard!

In Buddhist terms “The boat of compassion in the sea of illusion” means that a great deal of this life, much of what we think we know, is actually illusion and that this is what brings about our suffering, confusion and hardships. According to Buddhists this illusion is caused by an overriding sense of separation between self and the world. “The boat of compassion” can then be interpreted as meaning the “attitude that enlightened people take to help others.” The interesting thing is that there is actually no one in the boat. “Self” IS the boat, which is why I suggest with MIND SURFING that you make self into the surfboard, and mind the wave. The flow of life then becomes this interaction and relationship between the surfboard and the wave, Self and mind.

Im sure some of you will think that what I’m saying is a little crazy, and I’m fine with that, but lets not stop there because there is more of my life philosophy to come!

The next thing I want to introduce to you is a MIND SURFER . These are the little individual surfboards that I make and sell on this website. In future posts I will be covering the design aspects of all the different types boards that you can collect and I will also explain, in a relative way, how each type can be used for different styles of MIND SURFING.

The symbol of a surfboard is something that has totally set me free. I feel unbelievably blessed to have come across both Surfing and Buddhism in my life so infusing the two together through the concept of Mind Surfing is naturally something that greatly inspires me. It allows me to explore most deeply what it means to be a surfer (regardless of nationality) and of how both can be used to better understand the meaning of life, make it better, happier, and free. By sharing this perspective with you I hope you will come to see the limitless possibilities that make us all, as surfers, truly free spirits.

All of us together constitute a Global Surf Tribe. As members of this tribe we all eventually come to have a deep respect and admiration for the ocean. We do battle, with others, nature's energy, and ourselves. On many days we may surf for fun, but we also surf to forget. The ocean cleans us both physically and mentally by helping us to let go and go with the flow. It is not just that we are in the ocean, but that the ocean is in us. We are the flow…

Please Stay Tuned! In my next post the Epic Surf really begins to pump!

第7章で紹介した俺たちの愛船「S. S. Snubby/エス・エス・スナビー」を久々に引っ張り出してニューサウスウェールズ北部の海岸に降ろした。とにかく暑い日だったので、その日はスナビーに乗り込んで海岸に平行につけながらルアーを垂らしてゆっくり過ごした。




スピットボール 「地図を確認したところ、次のサービスエリアまでまだ10キロもあるぞ。」









仏教用語である「幻想の海にいる思いやりの船」を噛み砕いて説明すると、“私たちが知っていると思っている多くの事柄は、実際には幻想であり、これが私たちの苦しみ、混乱、苦難をもたらしている”ということなのです。仏教徒によると、この幻想は、自身と周りを取り囲む環境との解離によって引き起こされます。 「思いやりの船」は、「悟りを開いた人々が他の人を助けるために取る態度」を意味すると解釈することができます。興味深いのは、実際にはボートに誰も乗船していないということです。この場合の 「セルフ」とはボートそのものだからです。つまり、マインドサーフィングでは自分自身をサーフボードに見立てて波に乗ることをイメージするのです。これにより人生とは、サーフボードと波、自己と心の間のこの相互作用となります。






Surfing Chapter Thirteen: The surfing routine/ サーフィン 第13章: サーフィンのルーチン

We surfed a lot of beaches in Northern New South Wales. By this time our game plan and routine were always the same. On the bad weather days, we would travel, heading towards the next most promising surf spot. We would aim to arrive there at night, pulling into the local pub (hotel) car park above the surf break and spending the evening drinking and playing pool while eliciting any information we could from the locals. By ten or eleven pm we would stagger back to the bus and set our alarms for first light before crashing for the night. On most occasions, we would be the first in the water for our early morning surf, and by the time the locals turned up we would have a full understanding of the break conditions and how to best surf it.

The best way to mix with locals is to drink with them…

It was a standard routine over the weeks and months that followed, which was occasionally broken by the odd park ranger knocking on our door, in the early hours to move us on. (Most authorities do not like late-night strangers in their car parks) On most of these occasions however we just lay like mice in our beds, curtains drawn, pretending that the bus was empty! "I know you bast@rds are in there!" one ranger once shouted in frustration, in his Scottish accent, before storming off. CLASSIC DAYS.

When we think of surfing in the classic sense, we naturally think of the '60s. The Golden Era when surfing was still relatively young in Australia. In Japan, it is still young and has not gone, nor may ever go, mainstream. In the world today there are approximately 15 countries where surfing is truly world-class.

Some of these include…

California (USA), Spain, Indonesia, France, Micronesia, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, England, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines.

Some countries only have a few world-class breaks, others have many. Yet for each break, there is, there is the challenge of mastering change. Very few breaks produce identical waves to each other. Similar perhaps, but certainly not identical. Mastering change is woven into the very fabric of surfing.

So why is it that we humans have the tendency to resist change so strongly? Once we master something it’s easier to do, life is great, and we want those circumstances to continue. We want certainty, security, and the belief in ourselves.

Surfing is not like that.

Flow is an unceasing change. Every day brings new conditions, new types of waves, shifting sands, tides, swells, locations, board types, designs.

A local reef break may become somewhat predictable to a seasoned surfer, but that takes years and in most cases, he is moving around to different breaks within the same area. My point being surfers get subjected to nothing but constant change and so we have to be prepared for it, to face up to it, to accept it simply as the core part of what we do. It is this challenge, along with the absolute privilege of being connected to nature and each other that makes surfing so great.

Next Post: Smashing the boat!




これが数週間、数ヶ月と続いた俺たちのスタンダードなルーチンになった。しかし、このルーチンを邪魔するパークレンジャーが時々現れては早朝にドアをガツガツと叩いてバスを移動させるよう命令してくるのだ (残念ながら夜通し停めている車を取り締まる管理者もいるのが現実だ) こんな状況に追い込まれた時、決まって俺たちは沈黙を貫いて静かにベッドに横たわり、カーテンをかたく閉めて、バスの中の生命の有無を悟られないように隠し通すのだった!あるレンジャーはそんな俺たちに痺れを切らして「このやろう!中にいるのはわかってるんだぞ!」と捲し立てて、ついにはその場を後にした。若いって本当に無敵!





















