Surfing Chapter Six: Cactus Beach South Australia/サーフィン第6章:南豪カクタスビーチ

By the time we reached Penong we were about 74kms from Ceduna and 850 kms from Adelaide, which put us about four fifths of the way across the Nullarbor. We refilled our tanks once more, stocked up with supplies and took the 22 minute drive out to Cactus Beach. It was about 20kms. The road out was perched between two different coloured salt lakes, pink and green and was not much more than a hard white, but sandy track. We parked the bus closest to the beach and immediately went to check out the surf conditions. There was nobody in the water. The wind was a light offshore, and it was pumping chest high lefts and rights off the reef. It was a long way out.

We set up the side tarpaulin to keep the sun out. There was a shed, a basic store, that was open for two hours of the day.

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Cactus Beach lies on one side of a mini peninsula. Before going out for a surf Vegemite and I took the bike in the afternoon to see what lay on the other side. Point Sinclair was a wide bay with beautiful blue and green water. There was a plaque mounted to the side of the track leading down to a white sandy beach.

"Swimmers Beware!" it read. "At 6pm on the 10th of February 1975 a young male swimmer, Wade Shipard, 12 years old, had swum out to the beach from his fathers moored boat to place some crayfish pots close to shore. While gutting fish and cleaning the days catch his father called out to him to return to the boat. Halfway across, horrified onlookers, including his mother, called out in vain as they and his father watched a great white shark sever the boys right leg. Wade died in the car on the way to Ceduna."

Boy were we wary when we went out for a surf that afternoon! Beyond the reef the water was cold and dark and the fear of sharks heightened our senses. If not for the consistently good waves to keep us busy, our imaginations would have gotten the better of us. Even though the waves were good it was a relief to come in after a few hours in the water. The shallows were treacherously sharp and climbing back up the rock face with our surfboards made it difficult, but the cold beer waiting for us in the fridge made it worth it. That night we sat around our first camp fire, sinking beers and playing guitar to sound of the crashing waves on the distant reef. The stars were amazing...

I always like to relate my life to surfing in every way I can. To me, life is like a huge ocean which can be both intimidating and beautiful. It can toss us around and turn us upside down if we don’t understand it. My surfboard is what provides me stability in all conditions. It also provides a forward projection, focus and a purpose. To me a surfboard symbolizes a secure grip, providing me an upright position in the huge ocean that we call life. The ocean then represents my daily “This & That” of life, and my surfboard is like a lucky life vest that allows me to detach , bob back upright, and power on through it all.

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Many years ago when I made my first surfboard I had no experience on how to shape the rails (sides). They ended up looking like door wedges. The board worked, but was difficult to control. It gave me a full appreciation of the importance of understanding water flow.

Life is like this too. If we understand the importance of flow, of how to “go with the flow” we can reduce a lot of unnecessary stress.

Its not rocket science. Its simple. Just as a surfboard is designed to fit the dynamics of water flow, we need to adapt our relative thinking, our mind, to the dynamic flow of life. This is the point. We shape our mind, just as we shape a surfboard, to fit the changing circumstances of flow.

The ocean also includes the sky. The water is below, the surfboard and I float in the middle, and the limitless sky is above. Symbolically speaking, its all important to me. The sky is freedom. An untouchable space. Pure. Open, vast. When I was young this space opened up inside my mind, like a tiny bubble, then as I grew older it became bigger, then bigger as I came to understand it and my surfing got better. My whole mind began to view life entirely from the surfing angle…

People who are not free may wonder what on earth I am talking about, but everything is relative. The whole of this life is relative. Everything is relative to something else. Thought is entirely relative. You cant escape it, but you can transcend it by relating your whole view of life to what you love on a deeper level.

That's why I love surfing, because ultimately there is no separation from nature.

Next Post: Leaky Boat!

ペノンに到着する頃には、俺たちはセドゥナから約74 km、アデレードから850 kmの距離まできていた、ヌラーバーを約4/5も横断していたのだ。俺たちはもう一度タンクを満タンにして、物資を買い込んで、22分の道のりを車でカクタスビーチまで向かった。距離にして約20km、道はピンクとグリーンの2つの異なる色の塩湖の間にあり、硬く白いだけでなくジャリジャリの砂の道だった。俺たちはビーチに最も近いところにバスを駐車し、すぐにサーフィンコンディションをチェックしに行った。海には人っこ一人いなかった。風は沖合に向かって弱く吹いていて、胸くらいの高さの波が左右に向かってをリーフから押し出していた。それはそれは遠い道のりだった。

太陽が入らないようにサイドターポリンを設置した。 1日2時間だけ営業している小屋(ベーシックストア)があった。

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「遊泳者は注意!」と書いてあった。 「1975年2月10日の午後6時に、12歳の若い男性スイマー、ウェイドシパードが、父親の係留ボートからビーチに泳いで、ザリガニポットを岸の近くに置きました。父親はボートに戻るように彼に呼びかけました。半分くらい戻りかけたところで、母親を含むその場にいた人々たちは恐ろしいものを目にすることとなりました。その場にいた全ての人々が大声で叫ぶ中、その目の前で何と大きな白いサメが男の子の右足を切断したのです。ウェイドはセドゥーナへ向かう途中で車の中で死にました。」



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Chapter 1: Getting the Bus/ 第1章:バスとの出会い

Chapter 2: Building the Bus/ 第2章:バスの改造

Chapter 3: Desperate Surfing Dreamers/ 第3章:夢追い人 サーフィン

Chapter 4: Game On ! Heading Out on the Highway.../ 第4章:いよいよ出発の時が来た!高速へ繰り出す・・・

Chapter 5: Across the Nullarbor / 第5章:ヌラーバー横断記