Surfing Chapter Three: Desperate Surfing Dreamers/ サーフィン第3章:夢追い人 サーフィン編

At this stage of the proceedings, back in 1987, protocol suggested that we now had to put the bus over the pits for a police safety check. If it passed we could register it as a motorhome. We had just spent a further 5K on decking out our dream and we now had 7.5K invested in it, but we were about to come in for a very rude shock...!

We knew the bus was old, so we were a little weary. We decided to put it in to a local workshop for a pre check before we submitted it for an over the pits inspection. The resulting report was very sobering. The main chassis supports were riddled with cancerous rust! We had been sold a lemon, and a very ripe lemon at that! We were shattered, broken, and now...DESPERATE DREAMERS!!! ..

.But a dream requires GRIT, and at this point nothing was going to stop us. We decided to push on regardless. We bought all our equipment for the trip ahead. Old and new surfboards, the boat, a near new Honda 250 motorbike, fishing gear, dive gear, deckchairs, an awning set up for the side of the vehicle, stereo system, T.V., tinned food, EVERYTHING that you would ever want to take. Then we paid the regular bus registration fee for another 12 months.

Before we bought the bus we had made a very important decision. We had decided to investigate the vehicle type. If it broke down halfway around Australia we wanted to be able to find replacement parts for it easily. We discovered that the bus was a "1965 Model International," a common truck body found widely throughout the country. As it would later turn out, this research would prove invaluable...

It was time to decide who was going. There was only ever going to be four in the crew. Two would be Vegemite and me, that was for sure, but the others? Another good friend was "Bazza." He was a mechanic and also surfed and did have the time to join us. Perfect. Vegemite also had a college friend called "Spit Ball" who at the time was unknown to me. BASES LOADED!

They all ended up calling me "Ratty," because I had a pet black and white rat that came everywhere with me. I loved that rat and wanted to bring it with me, but one day it disappeared, last seen running down Vegemites street on its own adventure...never to be seen again.

It was time to get our "Heavy Vehicle" drivers licenses. This process took several months before we all completed the tests successfully and by the time we got them we were all fully pumped and primed, locked and loaded and ready to hit the road. Everyone except Spit Ball already had a motorbike license so he would just have to ride pillion.

We spent a whole day washing the bus down and polishing it until it gleamed. Then we brought fresh food supplies and filled the water and fuel tanks to the brim. There was nothing else to do, tomorrow we were leaving, hell or high water!!!







次に決断しなければならなかったのは旅の同行者選びだ。乗組員は最大でも4人、 まず2人は当然ベジマイトと俺だ。残りの2席に滑り込んだのは、もう一人の仲良し“バッツァ”だった。彼は整備士であり、サーフィンもしていて、俺たち同様とにかく時間が有り余っていた。こいつしかいない!最後の一人は俺にとっては初対面だったベジマイトのカレッジの同級生“スピットボール”だ。これで頭数が揃った!



俺たちは一日かけてバスを洗車して、キラキラと輝くまで一所懸命に磨いた。それから生鮮食品を購入して、水と燃料をタンクいっぱいにした。もう他に何もすることはなく、ついに明日夢の旅に出発する準備が整った。Hell or Hight Water (最後の追跡)!!!



Surfing Chapter One: Getting the Bus/ 第1章:バスとの出会い

Surfing Chapter Two: Building the Bus/ 第2章:バスの改造